Monday, July 28, 2008

sheep! lemming!!!!!!!

i caved. totally. i was resisting the whole blog craze...until the entire world, AND my sister lisa (the final straw) decided to pressure me into it. lisa's argument was "but we need to know whats going on in your life in college!!!" so yes, as this post's title implies, i am like some dumb animal being driven in the same direction as the rest of the dumb animals, and have succombed to the spirit of BLOGGING!!!

however: bradley pew is determined to retrieve me from the dark side. "I won't quit on you! I'll get you started on a 14 step program right away. Amy, friends don't let friends blog!"

there is hope for me yet!


Lisa Payne said...

bwahahaha! You have fallen under my spell!!!!

Lisa Payne said...

and i want my picture on your blog :(

Joshua Lindblom said...

congratulations! you have successfully called possibly a majority of all computer owning inhabitants of the Earth dumb animals! =P how do you fill about yourself my friend =p It's okay, **I** wont take offense to it silly head! I'm used to you saying things like that to spite me ;)

Stina said...

you are not a sheep, nor a lemming!! you are just a concerened, thoughtful person, sensitive to the tender feelings and concerns of your sweet family and friends you are leaving behind as you are spreading your wings in preparation of your departure for this new and grand adventure in this phase of your life....

hahahahaha!! this is all that you have to say if anyone gives you a hard time! LOL

amy, i am so proud of you! i feel sad that you are leaving...LOL even if i AM closer to ya then if you were at home! you BETTER keep this updated with the things going on with it silly things, boring things or just pictures...i want to be apart of what's going on with ya...even if it's just a fly on the wall thru your blog!

i love you hermana!

Katie Seigfried said...

Just like me...twas what happened to me earlier this summer. But still refuse to get a facebook--this is as far as i go because my mom's entire side of the family is doing it so I better let them in on my life Well anyway, i'm really glad i can know what's up in your life too while you're...gone!...:(...'cept you're gonna come visit me lots k? love you!

Laurilee LeSueur said...

i cant believe out of all the retarded pics we have of me that you picked one with what looks like beer bottles in my hands and telling everyone i am your college roomie... poeple may get the idea that i am a partying college student with a bad influence on lil amy root lol. although i must say i did make me laugh.. but i still feel ridiculous none the less haha.

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